Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Story Girl (by L.M. Montgomery) Review

I loved the Anne of Green Gables books when I was younger. (Actually, I'm thinking about re-reading them.) Anyway, this book by the same author caught my attention. Supposedly, this was actually L.M. Montgomery's favorite of the books she'd written.

The Story Girl isn't really related to Anne, but the tone is similar. Nature's beauty is extravagantly praised and you just wish you could see the sunset and their scenic views and the charming brooks and everything. I laughed and laughed at the characters' antics - trying to keep their New Year's resolutions and such. (Mainly Dan, who said the funniest things. He and Felicity had a few disagreements, to put it mildly.)

The Story Girl is Sara Carlisle, and she enjoys telling stories to her cousins and really everybody else. This is one year in their lives. They have adventures and come up with their own newspaper (or was it a magazine?). Certain chapters are the newspaper/magazine in its entirety and it's hilarious reading their writing and then the characters' responses...especially Dan, I must say).

It's a pretty easy read (probably written for the same age group as the Anne books were). Mostly, it's comforting (I seem to be looking for that in books recently) and extremely entertaining. Sometimes I think I should be reading more Great Literature, you know, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky and Dickens...but I don't crave those books like I crave these books. (I should probably still try.)

If you're looking for something charming and simple and not very demanding, something to make you laugh (and your heart to ache a little), this is the book. Especially for people who loved the Anne of Green Gables books.

(Oh, and I started Dear Enemy  by Jean Webster today. It's the sequel of sorts to Daddy Long-Legs. I'll probably review it next week.)

Does anyone have book suggestions, specifically for books similar to Daddy Long-Legs and The Story Girl? I'd be interested to hear what everyone else likes to read.

To stories and reading and book suggestions.

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