Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Little Bit of Sugar

"Sugaring season is the season when you tap the trees for sugar that turns into maple syrup...I liked also the idea that sometimes you can smell that spring in the air even though it's the dead of winter; you just get that vague glimpse of it, and there's that sense of hope that it brings. I just thought, all in all, it just creates this wonderful imagery of writing songs: For me, it takes a lot of experience to make a little bit of sugar. These songs are my little bit of sugar, I think."
-Beth Orton

I love this whole idea of turning experience into "a little bit of sugar." I think a lot of the time it's so easy to get caught up in how things are going, and sometimes it seems like nothing's going right. But maybe the thing is, it just takes a lot of experience to make a little takes a lot of things going wrong - or at least the feeling that things are going wrong - for you to create something or realize something that turns out to be worthwhile.

To turning experience into sugar, whatever form yours may come in.

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